Why Us
Our Expertise:
Under The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 the sale, purchase, possession, use, import and export of NDPS substances are regulated by various competent authorities in India. Although, any narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances can be manufactured, imported into/ exported out of India under permission from Competent Authorities in India, yet it is also a truth that many pharmaceutical companies find it complex and cumbersome to comply with such multifaceted and ever-changing regulations while dealing in narcotic and psychotropic substances. Moreover, the national policy on NDPS in the country, views drug offences very seriously and prescribes stiff penalties, the quantum of sentence and fine varies with the offence.
This is exactly where DILIGENT ASSOCIATES steps in and offers assistance to Pharma Companies and helps them carry out their business operations with 100% compliance to NDPS Regulations.
Our team has a cumulative experience of more than 30 years in these fields and over the years have attained expertise in this domain. Our role is to ensure necessary compliances and procedures in line with the regulatory framework of NDPS Act. We provide a clear regulatory pathway to our clients for seamless execution of their specific transactions and to set free them from the worry of any single chance of failure.
Our role is to act as a lead for our clients so that they can focus on their core accomplishments and delegate these relevant compliances to us.